The Leaders of Tomorrow program (2021) was an exclusive program lectured and carried out by our president, Dr. Hassan Ugail. Students who excel and display potential, often through one of our prior learning programs or an interview, were invited to enroll in this program. This program mainly focused on preparing students for certain circumstances or obstacles they may face later in life. Students were given tasks that allow them to take responsibility which helps them to think critically and aids in boosting their confidence. Lectures were based on topics relevant to students, allowing them to share their thoughts and experiences while being exposed to the opinions of qualified panelists. Apart from learning about the many secrets to success, students also learned how to communicate and express themselves better with the help of this program. Common to most of our programs, students were given personal projects and group projects. The students who were enrolled in this program were working on their own projects, which range from books, apps, and websites along with their group project, a documentary on the 'History of Humanity' and a website called 'The Circle Composition' which are being gradually published. Participants of this program were given a boost to achieve their dreams and become future leaders of the world.
Leaders of Tomorrow 2021